Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i  estońska organizacja  Youth Center Lille Maja poszukują wolontariuszy na zaakceptowany projekty EVS w Tartu.  Zgłoszenia (CV, list motywacyjny,plan aktywności w języku angielskim oraz projekty plakatów) prosimy przesyłać na adres [email protected]  oraz na [email protected] (zgłoszenie należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe).

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 12 kwietnia 2015

W treści wiadomości mailowej prosimy dodać:

Sending association:

Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)

Acronym: SAO Bona Fides

Warszawska 19

40-009 Katowice


PIC: 947802812

EI referance number: 2013-PL-100

EVS coordinator

Natalia Podbielska

[email protected]

Coordinating organisation: Youth Center Lille Maja

Host: Youth Center Lille Maja:

Location: Tartu, Estonia

Deadline: 12/04/2015

Start: 01/09/2015

End: 31/08/2016

Lille Maja is a youth centre and we need help in our open youth room. Youth room is a place where the youth (7 – 26 years old) can come and spend their free time. Our aim is to connect spending free time and having fun with informal learning.


1) First of all and most of all an experience in the field of youthwork: communication with young people and feeling that it really matters what you do. You can change the world. 🙂 You can learn to lead a group, organise events, advertising etc.

2) Support of our team. We are ready to share our experience, but also we are ready to learn from you and your experience. You can propose your ideas and we help to put them into practice. (We have 6 youth workers, an administrator, a director, a cleaning lady and a housekeeper in our team. And most important is that we love our work.)

 3) Support from the supervisor (i.e. me :-)): helping planning and analysing what you do. Also support from mentor (somebody who is not connected with Lille maja and with whom you can talk really freely about everything).

 4) The EVS project provides you with lodging, food and pocket money and network of other EVS volunteers.

 5) Insight into Estonian culture and skills of Estonian language (language lessons are twice a week).


OUR EXPECTATIONS 1) Youth room is open from Monday to Friday from 13.00-19.00. During this time we would like EVS volunteer to communicate with the kids, talk to them, play with them, arrange them activities. During vacations (a week in October, a week in March, 2-3 weeks in June) youth room is open from Monday to Friday from 10.00-17.00. 2) We would like EVS volunteer to arrange 3 activities once a week.(For example last year s volunteer from Italy instructed 2.1) an art club on every Monday at 14.00-18.00; 2.2) Italian language class on every Tuesday at 18.00-19.00 and 2.3) a cooking club on every Wednesday at 17.00-19.00.) 3) We would like EVS volunteer to design posters for his/ her own activities and Lille Maja s other activities. 4) We would like EVS volunteer to participate actively in Lille Maja s projects (like team-work workshops for 10-30 pupils, Forum Theatre group, instructing workshops on different festivals, summer camps etc.). Sometimes these projects would take place during weekends – then EVS volunteer would get free days afterwards. 5) We encourage EVS to come up with his/ her own projects. NB! We don t expect you to be a professional, but we would like you to be ready to share and learn.


IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE EXPERIENCE WE ARE OFFERING, PLEASE 1) write a MOTIVATION LETTER why you would like to come during your EVS to Lille Maja and Tartu and Estonia. 2) send us plans what arranged activities you would do. We would like to have 3 PLANS: one for each activity during one month with explanations why would you do that and what would be the outcome for the kids. Please ask the example of month plan from [email protected] 3) design 3 POSTERS advertising your weekly activities (3 posters – one for each activity). 4) write us about some project you would like to lead – main IDEA. 5) CV.   We would like to get your applications back ON THE 12TH OF APRIL 2015.

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